Empowering Employees: A Wisconsin-Wide Survey on Belonging, Engagement, and Retention

Your voice matters! Share your voice in our Wisconsin statewide survey and get a FREE on-demand online course to uncover unconscious bias and build a more inclusive workplace.

Why This Survey Matters

Step Up: Equity Matters is celebrating a decade of elevating equity conversations in the workplace. We believe that cultivating a mindset of continuous learning is crucial for lasting change. To understand the evolving landscape of perceptions and experiences in Wisconsin workplaces, we're conducting a statewide survey. Your confidential participation will directly shape "The Inclusive Workplace Report: Data-Driven Insights for Fostering Belonging, Engagement, and Retention in Wisconsin," a comprehensive resource designed to empower organizations across the state to build more inclusive, equitable, and thriving work environments.

Your voice will:

  • Drive positive change: Help us identify challenges and opportunities for improvement.
  • Shape DEI strategies: Inform the development of effective diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
  • Benchmark your workplace: Compare your organization's culture and practices against statewide trends.
What to Expect: Empowering Employees Survey
"Empowering Employees: A Wisconsin-Wide Survey on Belonging, Engagement, and Retention" is a confidential survey designed to gather your valuable insights on workplace culture, satisfaction, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Your responses will remain completely anonymous.

The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and covers topics such as:
  • Workplace Culture: How inclusive and supportive is your work environment?
  • Employee Satisfaction: What factors contribute to or detract from your job satisfaction?
  • DEI Initiatives: What DEI efforts are in place at your organization, and how effective are they?
  • Personal Experiences: Have you experienced or witnessed bias in your workplace?
  • Future of Work: What are your hopes and expectations for the future of work in Wisconsin?

Unlock Your Potential:
Exclusive Offers for Survey Participants

We believe in the power of continuous learning and self-improvement. By participating in our survey, you not only contribute to creating more inclusive workplaces across Wisconsin but also gain access to incredible tools that can significantly enhance your personal and professional growth.

1. Free Access to the Uprooting Bias Online Challenge

Embark on a transformative journey with our self-paced online course, designed to guide you through our foundational approach: Recognize, Own, Disrupt.

  • Recognize: Begin by uncovering both conscious and unconscious biases that affect your decisions and interactions.
  • Own: Take responsibility for your biases, viewing them as opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Disrupt: Equip yourself with the skills to actively challenge and dismantle biases in your daily life.
This course is both challenging and supportive, providing you with the knowledge and skills to drive lasting change in your workplace.

2. 50% Discount on A Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment and 1:1 Coaching Session

Elevate your emotional intelligence with a comprehensive assessment that benchmarks your EQ skills. Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Personalized EQ Insights: Discover how your emotional intelligence affects your relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being.
  • Expert Coaching: Enjoy a confidential 60-minute session with a certified Step Up assessor to interpret your results, set goals, and plan actionable steps to enhance your effectiveness.
  • Long-Term Benefits: This assessment is more than a tool—it’s a pathway to greater self-awareness and improved interpersonal skills, both at work and beyond.

Why Participate? By taking part in our survey, you not only contribute valuable insights to "The Inclusive Workplace Report," but you also invest in your personal development. These exclusive offers are our way of saying thank you for helping us build a more inclusive and thriving workforce in Wisconsin.

Who Should Participate?

We invite all Wisconsin employees to participate, regardless of your industry, role, or company size. Your unique perspective is essential for creating a comprehensive picture of inclusion in Wisconsin workplaces.

Help us build a more equitable and thriving Wisconsin workforce.